BUNKER: a Blockchain-based trUsted VNF pacKagE Repository
Current projects applying blockchain technology to enhance the trust of NFV environments do not consider the VNF repository. However, the blockchain’s properties can enhance trust by allowing to verify a VNF package’s integrity without relying (a) on a Trusted Third Party (TTP) for remote attestation or (b) a secure database. This paper presents BUNKER, a Blockchain-based trUsted VNF packagE Repository, intended to be integrated with traditional database-based package verification environments, acting as a trusted repository containing VNF package information. Moreover, BUNKER allows users to acquire VNFs without the need of a TTP using an Ethereum Smart Contract (SC). The SC automatically transfers license fees to the vendor once a VNF is acquired, and sends the VNF package’s link to the buyer before verifying its integrity.