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UZH CAS in Crypto Compliance

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Course Goals


Crypto Compliance is emerging as a thriving field in the financial sector, witnessing significant demand for further education. This surge is driven by the growing trend of financial institutions offering crypto assets to their clients or receiving fiat proceeds from crypto investments. The University of Zurich is excellently positioned in both research and teaching to address this demand. Therefore, the UZH Blockchain Center and the Institute of Computer Science are launching a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Crypto Compliance in the Autumn semester of 2024. Throughout 12 sessions of the course and a final thesis, participants will acquire the knowledge and practical skills needed to comprehend and effectively apply Crypto Compliance principles in their professional endeavours. The CAS is open to individuals with relevant professional backgrounds and a university degree.

Crypto assets have become a newly emerging asset class in the financial world. In addition to Bitcoin, there are many other crypto assets nowadays that are widely in use. Numerous banks already have direct or indirect exposure to crypto assets. The reasons for banks offering this emerging asset class are diverse, from meeting customer demand and diversifying investment opportunities to embracing technological innovation. The introduction of new technology also raises new challenges and questions to answer. This is why the UZH Blockchain Center is leading the way, looking into how to address the challenges and answer the questions arising from banks’ exposure to crypto assets.

Welcome to the Future of Finance at the University of Zurich. UZH was ranked first for blockchain Europe (and third worldwide) for blockchain by CoinDesk. This is following our excellent ranking in 2021 (4th World-wide, still first in Europe).

CAS: A Crypto Compliance Need

Complex Regulatory Landscape: The space of crypto assets evolves in a dynamic regulatory environment characterized by a lack of uniformity across jurisdictions. A CAS equips participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate this complex regulatory landscape, ensuring they can effectively interpret and apply evolving regulations.

Mitigating Risks: Crypto asset-related risks, such as money laundering, fraud, and market manipulation, necessitate a deep understanding of effective crypto compliance measures. The CAS provides professionals with the tools to identify and mitigate these risks, thereby safeguarding both organizations and the broader financial system.

Fostering Innovation: With technological advancements and financial innovations, the financial sector continues to evolve. A CAS empowers individuals and organizations to balance compliance with innovation, promoting responsible and sustainable growth of crypto asset exposure.

Global Collaboration: With crypto assets transcending borders, a CAS fosters international collaboration by establishing a common knowledge base and standards. This enables professionals to engage in cross-border compliance efforts effectively.

Study Program

The continuing education course intends to pass on the growing knowledge of UZH to industry professionals in practice by building a bridge between Computer science, Law and Compliance as well as practical application. Accordingly, the program is structured into three modules, consisting of 12 course days in total.

Frontal teaching, discussion groups, practical exercises and small case studies are used in such a way that the participants not only understand the content but can also assess and apply it. Through background reading and course projects, they develop the skills to apply the current methods in their professional environment.


Module TitleScopeECTS
Regulatory Landscape of Crypto3 days2
Blockchain Technology Aspects and Crypto Compliance4 days2
Blockchain Forensics3 days2
Written final paper8 days4
Total20 days10

Target Group

Professionals in the financial industry, possessing a university degree and several years of experience, who exhibit an interest in information technology. The individuals possess a fundamental understanding of Business administration, Law, Compliance, or Economics, and are keen on acquiring a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology, crypto assets, and their compliance-related applications in the financial market.


Professor of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, University of Zurich
Head RegTech and Crypto Compliance Services, Sygnum Bank 
Professor of International Business Law, University of Zurich
Professor of Commercial and Business Law (Banking and Capital Markt Law), University of Zurich
Professor of Financial Economics,
University of Zurich
Founder Lorez Legal & Scale Compliance
Research Associate,
Department of Informatics, University of Zurich
Research Associate,
Department of Informatics, University of Zurich